Saint Michael and All Angels, Tettenhall

“Serving Christ at the heart of the community”

Planned Giving

The work of the church is only possible through the support of its congregation and its community. We rely on the generosity of both the church's members and sometimes on those who come less regularly but nontheless support our work. We welcome donations on the plate during services, and (if the technology works!) through our contactless/card machine. However, if you are able to commit to regular giving we are able to plan our income and therefore our work. The simplest way for us to receive regular income is through the Diocese's "Giving Direct" scheme which you can read about and join here.

Donate Here and Now

If you would like to support us immediately, please click this link to be redirected to our payment partners SumUp where you can immediately donate by card. Please note that you are asked to enter your name to identify you to us - if you wish to make a silent donation you can just enter "Anonymous" or similar.